Adaptive Riding teaches riding skills to people with physical and mental challenges. Improves muscle tone, strength, flexibility, and coordination while increasing confidence and communication.
(Opens Monday July, 2024)
Fall 2024 Adaptive Riding Registration
Medical Update Forms
New Riders click here to fill out application
Financial aid paperwork is due by January 31st to be considered for the Spring 2024 classes.
In the entry level, no previous experience is needed. The student will learn safety around horses, how to properly mount and dismount the horse, and how to safely lead a horse. Riding skills such as proper body position and control at the walk and trot, halting, and steering are taught as well. Students will have a horse leader and 1-2 sidewalkers as needed.
Level 1 students will continue to work on balance and position, as well as safety around horses. They will learn proper use of reins for steering and halting, turns, circles, walking over poles, and using their legs and voice to communicate with their horses. Riders at this level will have a horse leader and sidewalkers as needed.
Level 2 students will learn to tack up their horse, lead the horse independently (with spotter), identify parts of the horse and tack, and learn arena terms. Riders will practice transitions, such as walk-halt-walk, and arena patterns such as changing directions, small and large circles, figure eights, serpentines, and backing the horse straight. At this level, riders must be able to demonstrate level 1 skills and may have a horse leader and sidewalkers as needed.
Level 3 students will learn proper haltering, leading, and tying of the horse, basic horse care, basic tack fitting and bridling, and a basic knowledge of horse colors, markings, and gaits. They will add to their previously learned skills: effective hand and body position, leg aids, and more complex riding patterns. Riders in this class must demonstrate skills learned in levels 1 and 2 independently.